AI and Automation in Cyber Security

Increase productivity through a secured ecosystem using the power of Artificial Intelligence

Challenges and Promises of AI for Cyber Security

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is a household name and in most of the houses even a presence – hi, Alexa! Artificial intelligence is even an indispensable ally when it comes to looking for holes in computer network defenses.

Complicated hacking techniques, such as obfuscation, polymorphism, and others, make it a real challenge to identify malicious programs. Besides, security engineers with domain-specific workforce shortage is another issue. With AI stepping into CyberSecurity, experts and researchers are trying to use its potential to identify and counteract sophisticated cyber-attacks with minimal human intervention.

Machine Learning in Cyber Security is much more than a mere application of the algorithms. It can be used to analyze cyber threats better and respond to security incidents such as – detects malicious activities and stops cyber-attacks with detection to endpoint protection, analyzes mobile endpoints for cyber threats and No zero-day vulnerabilities.

Spotting every variation of malware, especially when it is deliberately disguised, is hard: increasingly it’s by applying AI and ML that defenders are attempting to stop even the unknown, new types of malware attack. Deep learning is critical to performing more advanced functions, such as fraud detection.

How can we help you

Our team is trained in forensic and malware analysis using clustering algorithms can be used to segregate legal files from outliers. Algorithms built on Machine learning can analyze patterns better and respond to security incidents like, malicious activities, analyze and publish mobile end point threats and also automates monotonous security tasks.

Our AI team can spot giveaway signs that digital activity or transactions follow patterns that are likely to be indicators of nefarious activity and raise alarms before defenses can be breached and sensitive data compromised.


Through our Deep Learning Solution, Tabono brings a completely new approach to CyberSecurity, enabling cyber-attacks to be identified and blocked in real-time before any harm can occur.